Well today she took Mercedez and me HORSEBACK riding!!
Thats right, I'm practically a cowgirl now. All i need is a hat...and a horse of my own:)
But we were super nervous.
Because horses are huge!
And we are so small in comparison.
But we faced a fear and check out what happened.
Meet Goliath, my sturdy steed for the day.
Ain't he a cutie?
And this handsome fella is Joker.
And just like that I'm up. Don't we look good together?
What a lovely bunch we are.
So...Did i mention that we had to catch our own horses? Because we did.
We caught them.
We saddled them.
We gave them some lovin. I'm telling ya, Mr. Goliath was a cuddle bug.
And of course took some pictures- i had to have proof
So we mount up. And we are off! Can you believe i got my very own horse? I know absolutely nothing about horses. Not a thing I'm tellin you.
They gave me a horse and said have at it.
Do you know what i could do with a horse?
Well neither do i, but thats beside the point.
So we all leave on our own horses. And we go on a ride. It wasn't one of those "let me lead this horse on a rope while you sit on it" kinda rides. I had the reins in my hands and my feet in the stirrups. I had complete control of Goliath. Although he didn't listen to me all the time. Goliath had a mind of his own. He like to randomly stop. And he loved to talk. All the other horses were silent, but mine was a talker. We went perfect together, because just like the horse, i couldn't shut up. So we rode on. We didn't just walk though. We trotted. And we GALLOPED!!
It was thrilling.
It was scary.
My butt couldn't stay in the saddle.
But i didn't mind, I felt free.
I felt like a blonde Pocahontas.
My little sister had quite the experience also. Her horse loved to gallop. Sadie however did not. All i can say is I'm glad she hung on for dear life. Poor Joker scared the wits out of her. After that we walked:)
So after an exhilarating day, i left poor Goliath in his field and i went home. I live to tell another tale, to see another day. For tonight i will have little horsie dreams and tomorrow i will have a sore butt!!
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