Saturday, December 29, 2012

27 Dresses

Ok, so my roommate Kara is engaged....
which has caused us as her roommate to be a little crazy. 
Wedding crazy that is.
Crazy bridesmaids...or bridesmaidzillas. 
And as a bridesmaid we are taking our job very seriously.  
I actually make tons of jokes to Kara. 
But for real. This is serious business.
But we are having so MUCH FUN!!!
Isn't life and love a beautiful wonderful thing?
Plenty of glitter, sparkles and rainbows to go around. 

So on this ordinary day of December the 29th, 
My little sister and I were casually shopping around at the D.I. 
looking for nothing in particular, 
when we came across the dress section. 
Ladies and Gents. 
Boys and girls of all ages. 
Gather your dogs, cats and whatever else floats your boat
because now I give you 27 dresses!
ok actually its 11 dresses.
Brides of the future past and present
Remember this: 
For every bride out there, 
there is the PERFECT bridesmaid dresses for your girls. 

For you classy brides:
One can never go wrong with a sash. 

For you feminine brides:
 Just add a tiara. 

For you vintage brides:
 Remember accessories makes the wedding. 
Therefore use them whenever you can. 
Like on your head. 
Every bride loves her accessories. 

For the Mullet bride:
 Business in the front...
Party in the back.

 For the L.A. Bride:
I'd go with the classic barely there dress. 
Just choose hunky groomsmen to keep them warm

 For the bride with a secret:
Don't worry your bridesmaids have one too. 
Also perfect for covering up facial blemishes. 

 For the sun kissed bride:
Is there any dress more perfect then this Fanta inspired frock?

For the Hollywood diva bride:
One can't go wrong with the classic Angelina Jolie leg.
Boom. There it is.

 For the Oriental bride:
Konichiwa (Hello) 
Fortune cookies as a wedding favor??

For the Disney Bride:
Hello Minnie Mouse bridesmaids. 
Could complete this look with ears. 

For you brides looking to have a good time:
One should go with the classic little black dress. 
Won't disappoint all evening. 
And it will keep the party going.
All. Night. Long.

Remember when I said there is the perfect dress out there?
Well that may be true. 
maybe just not at the D.I.

For more bridal and wedding tips...
go to Pintrest I'm out of ideas.


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